The Flagstaff City Council discussed new bills making their way through the state legislature. During Tuesday’s city council work session, Public Affairs Director Sarah Langley brought several bills to the Council that are currently in opposition to its priorities. Langley brought House Bill 2316 which passed out of the government elections committee last week. The bill intends to prohibit cities from banning weapons in public buildings unless electronic weapon screening devices like metal detectors are in place. Langley also showed House Bill 2453 which passed out of its committee last week. The bill intends to prohibit cities from requiring masks. It will also allocate 89-million dollars to the housing trust fund. House Bill 2674 was also brought up. It promotes by-right zoning as a solution to the affordable housing crisis. House Bill 2375, which is on the committee’s agenda for Wednesday, was brought up as well. It will require cities to use their state shared income tax exclusively for public safety such as fire, police, and emergency services. The downside is that this bill will prevent local leaders from budgeting towards their priorities. Council is also issuing a letter of support for House Bill 2396, which appropriates about $50-million from the state’s general fund to ADOT for distribution to various state entities for specified highway and road projects. For Flagstaff, over $2.6-million would be earmarked for the Lone Tree Overpass Project.
AUTHOR: Dave Zorn