407 Unit Apartment Development Under Review in Casa Grande

The Casa Grande Planning and Zoning Commission will soon review plans for a 407-unit apartment development on 23.2 acres near Peart Road and O’Neil Drive in the G-Diamond Ranch area. The project features a 8.2-acre, 191-unit apartment complex for residents aged 55 and older, a 15-acre, 216-unit multifamily complex and a one-story community center. If approved, the development will utilize Low Income Housing Tax Credits, with rents capped at 60% of the median income for Pinal County.


Source: https://www.pinalcentral.com/casa_grande_dispatch/area_news/407-apartment-units-proposed-for-peart-oneil-area/article_33925a70-4dfe-11ef-8bd1-dfae8dcdd97e.html#tncms-source=Area%20News%20-%20Home%20Page

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